F-1 & J-1 international students
Immigration info, advising, events, and workshops
Interested in becoming a student at UCSC?
UCSC sponsors full-time international
students with F-1 or J-1 visa status.
Important information for F-1
international students at UCSC.
Important information for J-1
international students at UCSC.
UCSC sponsors full-time international
students in F-1 or J-1 student visa status.
Information for attending during summer at UCSC as an international student.

UC Santa Cruz awarded NAFSA’s Senator Paul Simon Award for Comprehensive Internationalization
Receive support and assistance for enrollment, work authorization, travel, document requests, maintaining status, and more.
- The Student and Visitor Exchange Program (SEVP) ended its COVID-19 guidance on May 11, 2023, following the end of the Public Health Emergency. The guidance allowed active F-1 students to take online and hybrid courses during the pandemic in excess of normal regulatory limits. With the end of the COVID-19 accommodations, the following […]