Academic Support


  • Academic Resources Center (ARC): This center near McHenry Library supports student academic success and is a collaboration of UCSC Student Affairs units including the Educational Opportunity Programs (EOP), Disability Resource Center (DRC), Learning Support Services (LSS), Services for Transfer and Re-Entry Students (STARS), and Student Media.
  • Tutoring Sign-Up System (OTSS): UCSC Learning Support Services offers tutoring in several courses across subjects such as Math, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Physics, Psychology, Sociology and many more!
  • Learning Support Services (LSS): LSS provides UCSC undergraduate students inclusive tutoring sessions facilitated by peers to build a strong foundation for success. In tutoring sessions, students can expect to create a community of learners. LSS helps students catch up on material, keep up with material, and excel. LSS offers students individual tutoring, large and small group tutoring, writing tutoring, study hall, and success programs.
  • Writing and Math Study Hall: Study Hall offers all UCSC undergraduate students support for Math classes and Writing. In Study Hall, students receive short, personalized 1-1 support for Math concepts and writing assignments. The tutor roams the room and helps students individually with problems or encourages students to group up. Students can stay and get help on one problem then leave. Or students can stay in the space and finish assignments and study.

Academic Support Organizations

  • Academic Excellence Program (ACE): Are you thinking about majoring in science, engineering, or math? Would you like to meet other UCSC students doing the same? Then ACE is the place for you!
  • Women in Science & Engineering (WiSE): WiSE is an organization run by graduate students, which welcomes the participation of undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, staff, and professionals in the STEM fields. The overarching goal of WiSE is to advance women in the STEM fields both in percentage and position, in the face of historical, present, and future challenge.
  • MESA Engineering Program: The goal of the MESA Engineering Program, also known as the Multicultural Engineering Program, is to promote diversity and facilitate the retention and graduation of a diverse population of students, especially groups which continue to remain the most underrepresented in engineering studies.
  • STEM Diversity Programs, including CAMP, MARC, IMSD, and UC Leads: These programs aim to encourage the development of students in the STEM degrees.
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